Prudential Whole Life Insurance policy has several plans including PRUlife multiplier flex, PRUlife and PRUlife limited pay.

The most popular Prudential Whole Life Insurance policy is  PRUlife multiplier flex Plan which has details as below:

There are certain things that you will always need more of – assurance is one of them, especially the assurance that your loved ones will be well taken care of, regardless of what the future brings.

Designed with this in mind, PRUlife multiplier flex is a whole of life plan that optimises your protection based on your needs, offering you coverage1 for death, Disability2, Terminal Illness and Critical Illness. With PRUlife multiplier flex, you can chooseto multiply your total coverage by 3 or 4 times, and select the premium4 payment term that’s most suitable for you. This plan also has cash value5 that can be accumulated over time.

Protect your family against a multitude of uncertainties with PRUlife multiplier flex today.

Product Type Whole Life
Payment Term 10, 15, 20 or 25 years
Policy Term Death, Terminal Illness & Critical Illness:

  • Whole of Life

Total & Permanent Disability2:

  • Up to age 70
Issuance Age 10, 15, 20 year premium payment term:

  • 1 to 60 Age Next Birthday

25 year premium payment term:

  • 1 to 55 Age Next Birthday
Limits Minimum Sum Assured:

  • $10,000

Maximum Multiplier Benefit:

  • $1,000,000 for entry age between 1 Age Next Birthday to 16 Age Next Birthday

Minimum Annual Premium:

  • $800
Maturity Benefit Not Applicable
Death Benefit Before the Multiplier Benefit expiry age, the Death Benefit is the:
Higher of

  1. the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses; or
  2. the Multiplier Benefit

less any amounts owing to us.

From the Multiplier Benefit expiry age and above, the Death Benefit is the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses, less any amounts owing to us.

Total & Permanent Disability Benefit Before the Multiplier Benefit expiry age, the Death Benefit is the:
Higher of

  1. the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses; or
  2. the Multiplier Benefit

less any amounts owing to us.

From the Multiplier Benefit expiry age and above, the Death Benefit is the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses, less any amounts owing to us.

Cash Benefit Not Applicable
Critical Illness Benefit Before the Multiplier Benefit expiry age, the Critical Illness Benefit is the:
Higher of

  1. the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses; or
  2. the Multiplier Benefit

less any amounts owing to us.

From the Multiplier Benefit expiry age and above, the Critical Illness Benefit is the sum assured and non-guaranteed bonuses, less any amounts owing to us.

Accidental Death Benefit Not Applicable
Enhance Your Coverage Early Crisis Multiplier Flex, Accident Assist, Early Payer Security, Payer Security III / Payer Security Plus

Multiplier Benefit at a glance:

Plan Type Optional
Supplementary Benefit
Multiplier Benefit
Expiry Age
Multiplier Benefit+ before the Multiplier Benefit Expiry Age or Cover Expiry Date^
PRUlife multiplier flex 65 3x Early Crisis Multiplier Flex 65 3x 65 years 300%
PRUlife multiplier flex 65 4x Early Crisis Multiplier Flex 65 4x 65 years 400%
PRUlife multiplier flex 70 3x Early Crisis Multiplier Flex 70 3x 70 years 300%
PRUlife multiplier flex 70 4x Early Crisis Multiplier Flex 70 4x 70 years 400%


+ Multiplier Benefit is the relevant percentage of the sum assured.
^ Whichever occurs first. The Cover Expiry Date only refers to the Total and Permanent Disability Benefit and is the Policy Anniversary before the life assured turns 70 years.

As Independent Financial Consultants, we provide insurance plans from most of insurance companiesWe list several popular whole life insurance plans from different insurance company for your comparison as below:

Have you ensured the security of your family’s future?

While 6 in 10 Singaporeans claim to have a clear idea of how much their dependents will need in the event of their death or disability

Nearly 7 in 10 have prepared 50% or less of the life insurance cover they think is required

The Life Insurance Association of Singapore estimates that the average Singaporean is under-insured by more than S$300,000. 

Taking care of your family is your top priority in life.


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