NTUC Whole Life Insurance policy has several plans including NTUC VivoCare, NTUC VivoLife and NTUC Limited Pay Protection Plan.

The most popular NTUC life insurance plan is NTUC VivoLife plan which provides comprehensive whole life insurance coverage.

What it covers

Death, dread diseases [1], and total and permanent disability before age 70

We pay the higher of sum assured plus bonuses [2], or the minimum protection value [3] that you have chosen, in the event of death, diagnosis of dread disease [1] or total and permanent disability before age 70.

Death and dread diseases [1] on and after age 70

We pay the sum assured plus bonuses [2] in the event of death or diagnosis of dread disease [1].

Accidental death [4] before age 70

We pay up to 200% of sum assured, on top of the death benefit, in the case of death by an accident. If the accident happened during a restricted activity, we pay 60% of the sum assured, on top of the death benefit.

Coverage for VivoLife Plans

VivoLife 125 VivoLife 180 VivoLife 350
Before age 70 (last birthday)
  • Death
  • Total and permanent disability (TPD before age 70)
  • Diagnosis of dread disease [1]
Higher of
  • Sum assured plus bonuses [2] or
  • 125% of sum assured
Higher of
  • Sum assured plus bonuses [2] or
  • 180% of sum assured
Higher of
  • Sum assured plus bonuses [2] or
  • 350% of sum assured
Before age 70
Accidental death [3]
Up to 200% of sum assured on top of death benefit
On or after age 70
  • Death
  • Diagnosis of dread disease [1]
Sum assured plus bonuses [2]

Enhance your coverage

Early Protect Accelerator

We boost your total coverage to 121 medical conditions and cover up to $350,000[7] for early and intermediate stage dread diseases. Before the age of 70, enjoy 3 levels of protection from the minimum protection value[3], which will be based on the basic policy selected.

The rider provides an Advanced Restoration Benefit[8], offering extra coverage for stroke, major cancers, and heart attack of specified severity after an early or intermediate stage dread disease claim is made.

The rider provides additional payouts under the special benefit[9][10] and juvenile benefit[10][11].

Early Cancer Waiver

We waive future premium payments in the event of the diagnosis of early-stage cancer [12] during the term of the rider.

Payor Premium Waiver
We waive future premium payments in the event of death or total and permanent disability (TPD before age 70) of the policyholder during the term of the rider. This rider is applicable only if the insured is not the policyholder.
Enhanced Payor Premium Waiver

We waive future premium payments of the basic plan in the event of death, total and permanent disability (TPD before age 70), or diagnosis of dread disease [8] (except for angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery) of the policyholder during the term of the rider. This rider is applicable only if the insured is not the policyholder.

Dread Disease Premium Waiver

We waive future premium payments of the basic plan, if the policyholder is diagnosed with dread disease [13] (except for angioplasty and other invasive treatment for coronary artery) during the term of the rider.

As Independent Financial Consultants, we provide insurance plans from most of insurance companiesWe list several popular whole life insurance plans from different insurance company for your comparison as below:

Have you ensured the security of your family’s future?

While 6 in 10 Singaporeans claim to have a clear idea of how much their dependents will need in the event of their death or disability

Nearly 7 in 10 have prepared 50% or less of the life insurance cover they think is required

The Life Insurance Association of Singapore estimates that the average Singaporean is under-insured by more than S$300,000. 

Taking care of your family is your top priority in life.


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