Tokio Marine Term Insurance is named “TM Enhanced Term Assurance” which  is designed as a highly affordable and comprehensive protection plan that provides financial security in the event of Death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)1, Terminal Illness (TI) and Dread Diseases (DD)2. It provides benefit as below:

You may be the financial pillar at home; working hard to let your loved ones enjoy the current lifestyle you have created for them. It can be stressful being that lone pillar. Let TM Enhanced Term Assurance support you in securing a financial shelter for your loved ones.

You cannot predict when your additional responsibilities will be lifted from your shoulders. TM Enhanced Term Assurance can go that extra mile with you. Our Guaranteed Renewal Privilege allows you to renew your coverage period without further medical evidence.

This plan is available in 5 and 10 year terms, and also to ages 65, 75, 85 and 99. You can choose the one that best suits your financial needs.

Should your needs change along the way, you have the option to convert this term plan into a regular premium whole life or endowment plan, maintaining the comprehensive coverage for Death, TPD, TI and DD – with no further need for evidence of good health.

TM Enhanced Term Assurance also gives you an added Longevity Benefit of 10% of the sum assured when you survive to age 99. This is our way of celebrating this milestone with you.

  1. TPD Benefit is provided until the policy anniversary on which the Life Assured is age 70.
  2. Premium rates for DD cover are non-guaranteed. Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore Ltd. reserves the right to change the premium rates by giving 30 days’ written notice.
  3. Guaranteed Renewal Privilege is available for policy terms 5 and 10 years only. Maximum age to exercise this privilege is age 80 for policy term of 5 years or age 75 for policy term of 10 years. Premiums are based on attained age of the Life Assured at each renewal. Other terms and conditions apply.
  4. Conversion Privilege is available for all policy terms. This privilege must be exercised before age 60. Other terms and conditions apply.
  5. Longevity Benefit is available for policy term to age 99 only.

All ages mentioned in this brochure are based on age next birthday.

This plan is underwritten by Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore Ltd. All benefits and features mentioned herein are subject to terms and conditions of the policy. You must refer to the policy contract for the precise terms and conditions of this insurance plan. The information shown in this brochure is for reference only and is accurate as at 31 August 2013.

Note: Buying a life insurance policy can be a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy
usually involves high costs and the surrender value payable may be less than the total premiums paid.

As Independent Financial Consultants, we provide insurance plans from most of insurance companies. We list several popular term insurance plans from different insurance company for your comparison as below:


Have you ensured the security of your family’s future?

While 6 in 10 Singaporeans claim to have a clear idea of how much their dependents will need in the event of their death or disability

Nearly 7 in 10 have prepared 50% or less of the life insurance cover they think is required

The Life Insurance Association of Singapore estimates that the average Singaporean is under-insured by more than S$300,000. 

Taking care of your family is your top priority in life.

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