AVIVA Life Insurance

AVIVA whole Life Insurance policy has several plans. The most popular AVIVA life insurance plan is AVIVA WholeLifePlan II as below:


Plan for the unforeseen, all the way to the very end

A plan that helps you save, while providing cash for when you die or become seriously ill1

Lifetime coverage

For death and terminal illness

2-4 times the chosen coverage amount

High coverage up to age 70, when you need it the most2

Save while you enjoy high protection coverage

Accumulate cash value and bonuses3

Comprehensive cover, great flexibilities and returns


Now you can combine protection with savings in one simple plan

Key Benefits Coverage / Options
Get money when you die or become terminally ill Lifetime
High coverage of 2 times, 3 times or 4 times the chosen Sum Assured Up to age 70
Choice of premium payment term 10, 15, 20 or 25 years
Option to receive a monthly income From age 65 or end of the premium term (whichever is later) to age 99
Get extra coverage when you need it, minus health checks Opt for extra coverage on death and terminal illness (TI) without further health underwriting within 90 days from the following key life events: change of marital status, become a parent, graduation from tertiary education, purchase of property.

Choice of coverage of up to 100% of the original sum assured or a maximum of S$300,000 per life covered, whichever is lower.

Premiums on hold, with interest waived if you lose your job Up to 1 year4

Terms and Conditions apply.

For complete details, please refer to the product brochure and product summary or speak to your preferred financial adviser representative.

  • Wherever age is mentioned, it’s calculated based on age next birthday.

1MyWholeLifePlan II covers Death and Terminal Illness for whole of life. Upon diagnosis of Terminal Illness of the Life Assured, Aviva will pay the Terminal Illness Benefit as the advancement of the Death Benefit, less any amount owing to Aviva, in one lump sum.

2MyWholeLifePlan II offers a choice to enhance the Basic Benefits of Death and Terminal Illness by 2 times, 3 times or 4 times the Sum Assured, including its optional riders such as the Total and Permanent Disability Advance Cover II, Critical Illness Advance Cover II and Early Critical Illness Advance Cover II. This enhanced coverage will start from policy inception, and end at the policy anniversary when the Life Assured attains 70 age next birthday (ANB). Thereafter, the Life Assured will continue to enjoy coverage without Enhanced Cover; refer to Product Summary for details.

3MyWholeLifePlan II accumulates guaranteed and non-guaranteed cash value from the start of the 3rd policy year as long as the premiums are paid up to date. The non-guaranteed cash value is accumulated in a form of Reversionary Bonus (declared annually) and Terminal Bonus and will depend on the performance of Aviva Ltd’s Participating Fund. Please refer to the Product Summary for more details.

4Waiver of Interest benefit is for policyholders aged 19 to 75 ANB, provided the policy has cash value to cover the total outstanding premiums. Proof of unemployment is required. For more details and Terms & Conditions, please refer to the Product Summary.

5For complete list of applicable riders, terms & conditions, coverage and exclusions, please refer to the product summary.

As Independent Financial Consultants, we provide insurance plans from most of insurance companiesWe list several popular whole life insurance plans from different insurance company for your comparison as below:

Have you ensured the security of your family’s future?

While 6 in 10 Singaporeans claim to have a clear idea of how much their dependents will need in the event of their death or disability

Nearly 7 in 10 have prepared 50% or less of the life insurance cover they think is required

The Life Insurance Association of Singapore estimates that the average Singaporean is under-insured by more than S$300,000. 

Taking care of your family is your top priority in life.


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